State Autonomous health institution

“Children's clinical dental polyclinic №2”

(SAHI "Children's clinical dental polyclinic N2")

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Treatment under anesthesia

Dental treatment under General anesthesia is a treatment with no pain, no fear, no discomfort. Treatment of teeth in a dream avoids any negative emotions that may be associated with a visit to the dentist.

Make an appointment


The treatment is carried out to the address: Volgograd, street Kovrovsky, 2
(the building of the goose "Children's clinical hospital No. 8").

How to sign up for treatment?

You can sign up for treatment by phone 8 (988) 050-26-40, daily from 10.00 to 13.00 (except weekends and holidays). Our staff will answer all your questions. If your call is not answered immediately, then in the near future you will be contacted. Not one call will not remain unanswered.


Terms of hospitalization

No later than two weeks from the date of readiness of the analyses, with timely information about their readiness .


Preparation for anesthesia:

  1. Examination, according to the specified list.
  2. Restriction of food and drink depends on the type of food and age of the child. Is chosen individually before the treatment with the anaesthetist.


The list of required examinations and tests:

  1. Referral for treatment under general anesthesia from a pediatric dentist
  2. An extract from the outpatient card about the child's health with indication of the diseases.
  3. Clinical blood test with mandatory indication of the number of platelets, blood clotting time and coagulation time for Sukharev (14 days).
  4. Biochemical blood test: bilirubin (total, bound, free), albumin, total protein, creatinine, AST, ALT, glucose (acts 14 days).
  5. Blood test for electrolytes: potassium, sodium, calcium. This analysis should be given only to children suffering from cardiac or endocrine diseases, as well as taking hormonal drugs.
  6. Blood type and RH factor.
  7. Blood test RW, HIV, hepatitis (valid 6 months).
  8. General urine analysis (valid for 14 days).
  9. ECG with conclusion, ultrasound of the heart (heart disease).
  10. Certificate of epidemiological environment (valid for 3 days).
  11. In the presence of concomitant diseases, the conclusion of specialists (cardiologist, neurologist, etc.) on the absence of contraindications to surgery under anesthesia.


Contraindications to the treatment of teeth under anesthesia in children

  • SARS and other infectious acute diseases present in the patient at the moment or transferred to 2 weeks ago;
  • Increased body temperature (more than 37,0);
  • Acute or exacerbation of chronic diseases of vital organs (liver, kidneys, etc.));
  • Within 4 weeks after routine vaccinations;
  • Anemia (hemoglobin level less than 100 g/l);
  • Thrombocytopenia (platelet level less than 120 t/µl).


The list of necessary documents for assistance under the CHI policy:Children under 3 years:

  1. A photocopy of the insurance policy.
  2. A photocopy of the birth certificate.
  3. A photocopy of your social security number.


Children with disabilities:

  1. A photocopy of the insurance policy.
  2. A photocopy of the birth certificate.
  3. A photocopy of your social security number.
  4. A photocopy of the ICEC help.

If You have any additional questions that the employee could not answer during a telephone conversation, please contact the administration (all phones are available on the website in the "Contacts"section).

Dental treatment under General anesthesia has undeniable advantages:

  • Lack of emotional tension. When treating teeth under anesthesia, the patient does not hear the sound of the drill, does not smell, does not see medical instruments, etc.
  • Lack of physical tension, because it is usually quite difficult and uncomfortable for a long time to sit in the dentist's chair with your mouth open, not being able to move freely.
  • You can cure the teeth of a child who can not sit quietly in a chair for more than two or three minutes.
  • If Your child is allergic to local anesthetics, dental treatment under anesthesia is often the only solution.
  • Absolutely painless. Treatment of teeth in sleep is guaranteed without pain.
  • Time saving. Dentistry under anesthesia allows you to cure and remove all diseased teeth in one session.


How is the treatment of teeth under General anesthesia?

The patient falls asleep in the dentist's chair and during sleep is treated and teeth removal.

Anesthesiologist during anesthesia uses anesthetic equipment of the German company "Dreger". Vital signs: blood oxygen saturation, the amount of exhaled carbon dioxide, blood pressure, heart rate, pulse rate and "depth" of anesthesia are controlled by high-precision modern monitors tracking company "Dreger".

After completing the treatment, the patient wakes up in the chair with the feeling that a few seconds have passed since he fell asleep, while in fact it may take 2-3 hours.

Dreams dream rare patients are perceived as pleasant or indifferent. A person does not experience pain both during anesthesia and after waking up.


Can anesthesia be addictive? Is anesthesia harmful?

One of the most common misconceptions is that the use of General anesthesia can be addictive. It is incorrect for two reasons.

First, for the treatment of teeth do not need to use anesthesia often — as a rule, in order to solve all the problems, just one or two interventions under anesthesia.

Secondly, in the treatment of teeth under anesthesia, we use only modern drugs that do not cause drug dependence – a "Sevoran" and "Propofol". Addiction can cause narcotic analgesics (drugs), which anesthesiologists of our clinic do not use.

It is also believed that anesthesia has a toxic effect on the heart, brain, liver, etc. Once upon a time, in the 19-20 centuries, this statement was true. Previously, drugs that often caused unwanted reactions - such as vomiting, headache, extremely unpleasant dreams-hallucinations, prolonged coordination disorders and weakness-were used for anesthesia. Many of these drugs had toxic effects on the liver, heart and other vital organs. But medicine does not stand still, and today drugs for anesthesia have changed as well as many things around us.

In our clinic, anesthesia is performed by experienced anesthesiologists.  For each patient anesthesiologist selects an individual combination of modern drugs. The presence of special equipment allows to reduce the dosage of administered drugs to a minimum, so that immediately after treatment the patient woke up easily and felt good. We work on the basis of a large multidisciplinary children's hospital.


The treatment is carried out to the address: Volgograd, street Kovrovsky, 2
(the building of the goose "Children's clinical hospital No. 8").

How to sign up for treatment?

You can sign up for treatment by phone 8(988)050-26-40, daily from 10.00 to 13.00 (except weekends and holidays). Our staff will answer all your questions. If your call is not answered immediately, then in the near future you will be contacted. Not one call will not remain unanswered.

One of the options to calm the kids during unpleasant procedures is the use of nitrous oxide. Another name for this substance is "laughing gas".


Used in low concentrations nitrous oxide has a relaxing effect. It is called sedation, as the patient's consciousness is slightly oppressed, but the main reflexes are preserved. The child's pain is reduced, and the stress associated with the treatment of teeth is transferred more easily. At the same time the baby can breathe, talk and move.

Due to the high-quality purification of nitrous oxide, such a tool practically does not cause allergies and does not have an irritating effect on the respiratory tract. This gas does not enter into any reactions within the body (it is inert) and does not bind to hemoglobin. Once the supply has stopped, after 3-5 minutes, nitrous oxide is completely removed from the body in the same form in which the gas entered the body. This makes this drug one of the safest drugs and can be used in the treatment of even the youngest children.

Nitrous oxide is used in pediatric dentistry:

- If dentophobiya.

- At the first visit to the doctor, especially if the dental disease is running and the child needs to do any painful manipulation. The use of sedation will help to avoid the fear of dental treatment in subsequent visits.

- With hyperactivity of the child.  The drug will make the baby more calm, and often causes drowsiness.

- In the treatment of preschoolers, because without nitrous oxide, it is difficult for children 3-5 years to sit motionless in a chair for longer than 15 minutes, and the use of the drug allows to treat teeth to kids at this age up to 40 minutes. As a result, the number of visits to the doctor is reduced.

How nitrous oxide is used?

Before applying gas to educate children about the procedure to the baby and sat down in the dentist chair without objection and was allowed to conduct the procedure. The child is put on a mask, from which the tubes depart to the cylinder filled with gas. Within such a cylinder is not only well purified nitrous oxide, but also oxygen with other impurities. The doctor includes a special device and the gas mixture begins to enter the nasal cavity of the child. After inhaling the gas for a few minutes, the dentist can begin examination or treatment. The child at this time show cartoons, and the mask does not prevent the doctor to carry out any manipulation in the oral cavity.

Contraindications for the use of nitrous oxide:

- Common cold, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis or adenoiditis, if the disease interferes with normal nasal breathing.

- If the child cannot communicate freely with the doctor. For this reason, nitrous oxide is not recommended to calm children under 3 years, when the child can not tell about his condition.

- Recent traumatic brain injury (within three months before treatment).

- Exacerbation of chronic otitis media.

- Convulsive disorder or epilepsy.

- Intense fear or a panic attack.

- Preparation for treatment with nitrous oxide is only to limit the intake of food and drink for two hours before the procedure and it is better to refrain from strong emotions the day before.

List of required surveys:

- The conclusion of the pediatrician about the absence of contraindications to treatment with nitrous oxide.

- In the presence of concomitant diseases, the conclusion of specialists (cardiologist, neurologist, endocrinologist) about the absence of contraindications to treatment with nitrous oxide.

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