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“Children's clinical dental polyclinic №2”

(SAHI "Children's clinical dental polyclinic N2")

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Pediatric dentistry

Pediatric dentistry is a branch of dentistry that deals with the treatment of teeth and oral cavity in children from infancy to adolescence.

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Treatment of dental caries

Unfortunately, children's tooth decay is very common. This is the most common reason to contact a pediatric dentist. It is wrong and even dangerous to believe that caries of milk teeth is a minor problem, because they will eventually be replaced by permanent ones. From how timely caries was cured in childhood, depends on the health of teeth in adulthood.

Our clinic employs doctors who love children and their work, have extensive experience and know all the new methods of treatment and prevention of children's caries. And the atmosphere in the clinic is so comfortable that many regular customers of the clinic themselves are asking for there! There is no doubt that when these kids grow up, a visit to the dentist will be a common thing for them, and not a reason for fears and experiences.


Types and signs of caries

Caries develops slowly, and with careful regular examination, parents can detect it at the earliest stages. The sooner the changes are noticed, the easier the treatment will be.

Superficial caries.

On the teeth there are small spots that are slightly different in color from the rest of the enamel. Over time, these spots darken, becoming brown. Superficial caries of milk teeth. At this stage, the destruction of the enamel is insignificant, but the damaged tooth, as a rule, already reacts to hot and cold.

Medium caries.

The appearance of a hole — carious cavity in the place of the center of enamel destruction. It can already be seen with the naked eye. When exposed to cold and hot, severe pain appears, the area of the lesion grows over time.

Deep caries.

The last stage, when struck not only enamel but also dental tissue. Without treatment, sooner or later will start the inflammation of the pulp.

In the treatment of caries in children, doctors are often forced to abandon the standard methods and use softer and sparing methods. This is due not only to the need to provide comfort to the little patient, but also to the fact that local anesthesia for children is different from anesthesia for adults — when injected much less anesthetics. In doing so, the doctors of our clinic are guided by the principle of "do no harm".

Painless — is one of the main priorities of modern pediatric dentistry. Treatment of caries in children in any case should not cause psychological trauma. Therefore, the doctors of our clinic are making every effort to ensure that the child feels safe and not nervous. As a rule, in the treatment of caries, the baby should not spend more than half an hour in the dentist's chair, otherwise he will get tired, begin to feel irritation and discomfort. Before the injection of anesthetic, the doctor further anesthetizes the injection site with a spray or ointment. Today, ultra-thin needles are used for injections, which practically do not cause unpleasant sensations. The drill in the treatment of caries in children is used to a minimum, all that can be done manually, that's what is done — even adults are not easy to tolerate loud unpleasant sound technology, and children like it even less. In addition, special materials designed specifically for children's teeth are used for filling. Treatment of caries at the initial stage of the disease If parents notice caries in the early stages, the treatment will be simple, fast and non-traumatic.

Methods of treatment of dental caries in children


Minimally invasive, safe, inexpensive and absolutely painless method of treatment of caries in the early stages. Silver has antibacterial properties and can significantly stop the development of caries. The surface of the teeth is covered with a solution of silver with a cotton swab. You should know that the method has one significant drawback. Silver makes the teeth black, and white enamel is not restored, will have to wait for the baby teeth change to permanent.


As a rule, this procedure is recommended for children of primary school age, especially if the fissures — grooves on the tooth surface — they are naturally deep or complex shape. The method is effective at the very beginning of the development of caries, at the stage of the spot — the focus of demineralization. Remineralization can not only slow down the process, but also reverse it. The procedure involves the use of special solutions with calcium, fluorine and phosphorus. After their application, ultrasound, vacuum or electrophoresis are used for more effective penetration of chemicals into the enamel. Remineralization is carried out by courses.

Icon Technology

At the moment, this technique has no analogues, and yet not every clinic is ready to offer this service. Icon – the concept of infiltration, is an innovative development . Icon materials are produced by the world's only DMG company in Germany. Icon is a technology of treating dental caries at the initial stage without pre-drilling, i.e. drilling dental tissues dental Bur. To stop the carious process and restore the integrity of the tooth, it is gradually applied materials Icon. When processing the tooth with materials, the active components of the Icon penetrate deep into the dental tissues and fill the carious cavity. As a result, the structure and appearance of the tooth are restored, the enamel becomes stronger and more resistant to carious bacteria. After treatment, not only the integrity and smoothness of the tooth surface is restored, but also the transparency of the enamel, so that the tooth will look healthy.

Treatment with a drill.

One of the most reliable methods in the fight against dental diseases. The dentist removes the affected dental tissue and seals the tooth.

In our clinic, doctors use the most modern and safe methods of treatment, as well as the best filling materials of domestic and imported production.


Treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis of milk and permanent teeth

Pulpitis is an inflammation of the pulp, which is a direct and most common complication of dental caries. A common cause of pulpitis are microbes and their toxins that penetrate into the tooth cavity from the carious cavity through a layer of dentin. Another cause of pulpitis is a mechanical injury that occurs when a part of the crown is broken off.

Frequent and severe complication of caries is periodontitis. Periodontitis is an inflammation of the periodontium, characterized by the violation of the integrity of the ligaments holding the tooth in the alveolus, cortical plate of bone surrounding the tooth, and resorption of bone tissue from the small to the formation of cysts of large dimensions. The cause of periodontitis can be infection, trauma, the action of toxic substances.

Treatment of pulpitis of milk and permanent tooth

Treatment of pulpitis milk and permanent tooth is aimed at eliminating inflammation in the tooth. There are several ways to treat milk and permanent teeth:

Amputation method (partial removal of the nerve)

Vital amputation of pulp – this method of treatment is used for the treatment of primary teeth, as well as permanent teeth during root formation. In this case, the crown pulp is removed, and the root remains viable, it is applied to the healing paste and the tooth is closed with a seal.

Devital amputation of the pulp. Its essence consists in removing the coronal pulp by way of a temporary pre-laying in the tooth cavity or bezmasljanye ARSENICAL paste, which promotes the "dead" pulp and painless to remove it. It is used mainly in the treatment of milk teeth.

The choice of treatment depends on the condition of the tooth, age and General condition of the patient's body, as well as how quickly the parents brought the child to the reception after the pain.

Extirpation method (complete removal of the nerve). If the roots of the child are formed, and inflammation has affected the entire pulp and pain appears when biting on the tooth or from taking hot, then in such cases the pulp is removed completely , since it is completely affected by microbes.


Treatment of milk and permanent tooth periodontitis

Treatment of periodontitis of the milk tooth is aimed at removing the infection in the tooth and beyond, located in the ligament that holds the tooth. Most often, the treatment of periodontitis of the milk tooth does not lead to success in preserving the tooth, so the surgical method of treatment is quite appropriate in this case due to the danger of the transition of the inflammatory process to the germ of a permanent tooth.

In permanent teeth with formed roots, periodontitis is treated in the same way as in adults, with the only advantage that the reparative processes in children are so intense that even the most unfavorable case of the disease with significant changes in bone tissue often ends in a relatively short period of time with a complete recovery in the x-ray picture. In the teeth with unformed roots, the situation is not so favorable. Need regular temporary filling of root canals treatment calcium containing pastes to complete the formation of the roots, and then possible permanent filling. Necessarily dispensary observation of the tooth after 3 months, and then 2 times a year, conduct x-ray examination.


Treatment of periodontitis in children

Periodontitis – inflammation of the periodontal tissues. This is a fairly common disease in adults, but often it occurs in young patients. The first symptoms of periodontitis are inflammation of the gums, which gradually moves deeper and affects the periarticular tissues. This leads to damage to the muscular and ligamentous apparatus, as a result of which the child loses one or even all the teeth of the oral cavity. And the main cause of the disease is very banal – insufficient oral hygiene.

The symptoms of periodontitis in children are completely identical to the nature of the disease in adult patients. Depending on the stage, there are swelling, redness and bleeding gums, periodontal or zubodesnevye pockets, which accumulate plaque, the smallest remnants of food – all this can turn into pus, teeth begin to react to temperature changes due to the exposure of the roots, there is an unpleasant smell from the mouth. Children complain of pain, itching and burning in the gum area, body temperature may increase, cervical lymph nodes increase.

Rules of treatment of periodontitis in children

Treatment of periodontitis in a child has some features – primarily psychological. The number of procedures is large enough and some of them can be painful, so parents need to find a doctor who can find an approach to the baby.

Treatment of the disease in our clinic is carried out in a complex and consists of the following stages:

1. consultation pediatric dentist and pediatrician: the pediatric dentist will deliver accurate diagnosis and choose the treatment, and a pediatrician will evaluate the General condition of the organism is necessary for disease detection, which could cause periodontitis,

2. removal of dental deposits – plaque and stone, which progresses inflammation,

3. surgical cleaning of the gingival pockets – an operation called "curettage of the gums" (not always required), in which the gum exfoliates from the tooth surface, plaque and purulent inflammation are removed, the surface of the teeth is polished and the gum is sutured,

4. closed curettage gums

5. drug therapy – prescribed drugs for oral administration (antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs), as well as rinsing (antiseptic "Chlorhexidine", "Miramistin" and decoctions of herbs – chamomile, sage, oak bark), application of ointments and gels ("Asepta", "Metrogil-dent", "Kamistad»),

6. splinting of teeth – may be required if the teeth have mobility. The purpose of the procedure is to fix loose teeth (for this purpose a thin fiberglass thread – tire is placed on the inner side).

After a comprehensive treatment is very important to explain to the child how to brush your teeth and why you need to carry out daily hygiene procedures. In addition, it is necessary to normalize the diet – it should be rational, rich in all groups of vitamins, the menu must contain fresh vegetables and fruits that contribute to the natural cleansing of enamel from plaque.

Periodontitis of teeth is a dangerous disease, the treatment of which should be approached comprehensively. First, it is necessary to establish and eliminate the cause of the disease. It should be remembered that periodontitis should not be left without attention, since its consequences are very deplorable. So do not forget to regularly examine your child at the dentist and teach him to follow the hygiene of the oral cavity.

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