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“Children's clinical dental polyclinic №2”

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What does a neurologist treat?

The most common reason for seeking a neurologist is a PAIN. Pain is called an unpleasant emotional and sensory experience associated with real or perceived tissue damage, and at the same time the reaction of the body, mobilizing various functional systems to protect it from the effects of pathogenic factors.

There are acute and chronic pain. Acute pain is a signal of trouble caused by trauma, infection, inflammation, it can easily be reduced by the action of analgesics. Chronic pain lasts more than 3 months., i.e. beyond the usual period of healing of damaged tissues. It loses its adaptive value and can become an independent disease.

Most often, a specialist is treated with a headache, back pain, in the joints. Headache has many manifestations:


Migraine is a throbbing headache that occurs periodically, most often after waking up. In its strength, migraine can be from moderate to unbearable. Usually this pain affects one side of the head. Migraine can last up to 72 hours, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, severe tolerability of light, loud sounds. Doctors still have not determined what is the cause of migraines. Among the reasons are the presence of overactive areas in the brain stem, changing levels of hormones. Migraine attack is provoked by stress, hunger, insomnia, smells, bright light, the use of spicy foods, food preservatives, weather changes, etc. Women suffer from migraines more often than men (for example, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, etc.). The tendency to migraine is usually inherited. A patient who is concerned about migraines is prescribed a computer tomography, as well as various blood tests.

Headaches due to increased or reduced intracranial pressure

Arise from brain tumors and intracranial hematomas, infections, injuries, characterized by vomiting, drowsiness, dizziness, usually occur at night or early in the morning. For the accurate diagnosis of such headaches, computer tomography is prescribed, they are treated, as a rule, with the help of surgical intervention. There is also a form of headaches due to increased intracranial pressure, but without any formations in the brain. Such pain can be found in young girls or women, with a weight exceeding the norm. Symptoms of such pain – pain in the forehead, temples, nape or the entire head. Can be provoked due to weather changes, fatigue, stress.

Tension headache

There are emotional (stress, experience) and muscle tension (tension of the neck muscles). People suffering from headaches of this kind are prescribed computed tomography, MRI, as well as a visit to a neurologist or even a psychiatrist, since tension headache can occur due to hidden depression.

Headache due to traumatic brain injury

Such headaches, as a rule, can last for long years after an injury and are accompanied by anxiety, irritability, decreased concentration, dizziness. The patient usually experiences that his condition becomes even worse, begins to suffer from depression. For headaches caused by concussion, as a rule, Spa treatment, painkillers are required.

Neck headache

Localized from the neck to the back of the head, whiskey, eyes. Cervical headache can be both medium strength and very strong. Such pain can be accompanied by nausea, swaying, dizziness. It usually occurs due to sudden cervical movements, fatigue, colds, osteochondrosis.


Back pain is the most common complaint at the reception of not only a neurologist, but also a therapist and surgeon. Weight lifting, trauma, hypothermia, nerve pinching, scoliosis, herniated discs, arthrosis, most often cause pain in the neck, back, radiating to the head, limbs and causing restriction of movements and decrease in the quality of life of the patient.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of people try to drown out the pain with antispasmodics or sedatives, without establishing the cause of the disease. This approach often leads to the programming of the underlying disease and prevents the doctor to diagnose and choose the right treatment. 

Among other things, a neurologist is engaged in the treatment of neurological pathologies such as: disorders of cerebral circulation, dementia, complications after injuries of the brain and spinal cord, polyneuropathy of various origins, diseases of the extrapyramidal system, epilepsy, demyelinating diseases of the brain and spinal cord.

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