State Autonomous health institution

“Children's clinical dental polyclinic №2”

(SAHI "Children's clinical dental polyclinic N2")

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Exhibition "Medicine and Healthcare. Mother and baby's health"


From October 12 to 14, the doctors of our polyclinic took part with pleasure in the specialized exhibition "Medicine and Healthcare. The health of mom and baby".  A visiting dental office was organized, where young patients were able to undergo an examination of the oral cavity, learn the correct technique of brushing their teeth, receive individual recommendations on oral hygiene and prevention of dental diseases.  Mothers could discuss all the questions they were interested in slowly, in a calm atmosphere.




    Well, those who could not attend this event, we still invite to our polyclinic : Central district, 7th Guards Street, 19a.+7(8442)24-04-65 +7(8442)23-00-22 Traktorozavodsky district Opolchenskaya str., 43 +7(8442)71-79-01 Spartanovka Nikolay Otrada str., 4a +7(8442)52-60-37

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